Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bye Bye Honolulu

In a problem that should have been taken care of 15 years ago, comes the news that North Korea is planning to fire a missile capable of hitting Hawaii....not the big island, as my title implies, but with a range of about 4000 miles. And it is suggested that in as few as five years, they could pose a threat to the western coast of the US. It wouldn't trouble me to lose Hollywood, but I'm a huge fan of California wine, so I have some interest in keeping the Napa Valley intact.
This North Korea "problem" should have been taken care of during the Clinton Administration....who through the vast store of Jimmy Carter's negotiating skills didn't have sanctions against them and then were able to "promise" they wouldn't build nukes and lied about it behind our backs.
My opinion on how this should go down is rather simplified in that I feel like we should guard the DMZ and blow up Pyongyang. Problem solved. Of course our current pantywaist in chief wouldn't go the manly route in this. He'll try the Carteresque "diplomacy" and "talks" though that's gotten us anyway with crazy men in the past. By the way diplomacy and talks are code for apologizing for America being the great nation that it is, and appeasing these despots in a bid to make everyone like us. Believe me, no one needs to like us, but they do need to respect our power, which won't get done with diplomacy. The time for that was 15 years ago. bizarre is it that Obama thinks that Iran should be able to have nuclear power plants (which I'm so sure will be used for power and not proliferation *sarcasm*) but we can't have more nuclear power....which is clean, safe, and (for all the watermelons out there) greenhouse gas free. Not bizarre at all considering they just want to bog us down with high energy costs to punish us for having running water....God forbid we be more prosperous than poor people in Africa....

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